Dear Parent or Guardian,

While at Warminster School, your son/daughter will be using Firefly. This is our virtual learning environment, used for remote learning, setting homework, encouraging wider reading and for fostering deeper engagement by our pupils with their education. You have access to the parent portal aspect of Firefly. This portal will allow you to view your child's timetable, school reports and grade cards, see the homework that they have been set (known as 'Tasks') and the merits and commendations that they have been awarded. You will also be able to view the various academic department areas and other aspects of school life such as Boarding, House activities, Pupil Development (co-curricular activities) and Prep School, Senior School and Sixth Form information.

Accessing Firefly

In order to access your Firefly account please follow the steps below: 

1. Click on

2. Follow the instructions in the following link (this will open in another tab)

3.  One you have activated your account. Your username\email address is your contact email address that the School already holds on record. If you change your email please let the school know as soon as possible. 

Make sure that you click Site Login and enter the password that you chose when activating your account

4. You may also wish to take a look at the Parents section of the Firefly help pages found here Parents

Using Firefly to notify the School about absences

Should your child be absent due to illness, please use the Firefly form at the following link to let us know, ideally before 8.15am on each day of absence. At the same link, you will also seem forms to request absence from a school day for an appointment, for an absence from a sporting fixture, and permission to miss an Open Day or Speech Day.

Absence Forms

Firefly App

If you would like to install the Firefly Parent App on your phone or mobile device please follow the links below:

Apple iPhone/iPad Firefly for Parents App (iOS)

Android Firefly for Parents App (Android)

The school code for both types of app is warminster (all lower case).