You may have heard that you have to be an absolute computer geek to work in the I.T. and telecommunications sector. You’ve probably heard that your entire day will be spent typing out endless codes of technical gobbledygook or taking computers apart and blowing out the dust. You might have even heard that your working life will basically just include playing video games.

Well, that’s not entirely true. So before you make the decision to get into I.T. and telecommunications, you should firstly discover what it’s really all about.

It’s all about computers, the internet, laptops, telephones and mobile phones. They call this the digital age and that’s for one good reason: computers rule the world (well, not literally, but I.T. and telecommunications products are absolutely everywhere). They’re in our homes, in our offices and in our pockets. Advances in computer and telecoms systems have improved opportunities for national and international communication, allowing businesses to start, grow and expand. The right I.T. solutions can revive a company, solve their problems and allow them to push on: bigger, better and stronger