Under current legislation UK National pupils must stay education, employment or training until they are 18 years old. After year 11 you really can specialise your studies and where you study!

As previously said we are a through school and therefore have the luxury of a sixth form here at Warminster. The majority of pupils stay into our sixth form and are joined by new pupils not only from the UK but international pupils too.

School Sixth Form

Not all schools have a Sixth Form but those that do often have similar characteristics. School based Sixth Forms are smaller than College so you can feel more looked after however close supervision may not be something you want as you develop your independence. Things to consider (some maybe more important than others) with School Sixth Form are Uniform, Travel, Positions of responsibility, Courses on offer, Destinations after Sixth Form, Social events, Tutor Support.

Further Education College

For those who have had enough of the close monitoring that schools often bring studying at an FE College may bring a refreshing change. Although you will still have a tutor they will focus on academics mainly and less on pastoral issues as a College often has a separate pastoral team. FE Colleges offer a broader range of courses and are open to all ages. So you need to be prepared to be the babies of the establishment. That being said the perks of FE College is a more adult environment- not for the faint hearted I suggest you take every opportunity to visit before signing up!

Employment and Training

If staying in school or college is not for you then maybe the world of work is your destination- you CAN return to education later in life and many people do. For more information I suggest you look at the Leaving School section and look at Employment and Apprenticeships pages.

Support and Guidance in school

We have like most other schools a Sixth Form Open Evening as well as our General School Open Days. Make sure you put dates from Key dates section in your diary so that you don't miss out!

Alongside these marketing events there are tutor support sessions throughout years 10 and 11 and lifeskills days that focus on Post-16 destinations.

Presentations like the one below are given each year to start pupils thinking

Click on the image below to take you to a You Tube channel with lots of information videos on educational and life choices

KEY DATES for your diary 2020-2021 to follow:

Sadly due to enforced school closure due to COVID-19 Pandemic we are not able to hold our usual Sixth Form Launch for our Year 10 pupils....However we are bringing it to you VIRTUALLY so that you can begin to think and plan your future from the comfort and safety of your own homes!

The link will be added and active soon!