So you've submitted your University Application, what now?
Firm and insurance choices
Once you have received all 5 decisions from UCAS you will be prompted to make a FIRM choice and an INSURANCE choice.
Your FIRM choice will be where you study following meeting their offer criteria. Your INSURANCE choice is normally one with a lower offer and should be somewhere you would choose to go to if unsuccessful in gaining your firm choice.
UCAS extra
This service is a recent addition and allows pupils who have NOT received any offers from their first application to make additional choices.
Once you have made your FIRM and INSURANCE choices via UCAS you will be contacted by your University to select accommodation. It is usually only your FIRM choice University that offers accommodation.
Common things to consider:
- Cost of room- length of tenancy
- Location- proximity to campus
- Transport links
- Catered or self catered
- Shared showers or en-suite
Student Finance application (UK pupils eligible)
The video below goes through the application process for finance for last academic year- the process will be the similar and this video highlights key documents that you will need before you apply
Link to website to apply for STUDENT FINANCE
On results day....14th AUGUST 2025
Bring your UCAS login details with you. Universities get your results up to a week before you so that they can process offers and update clearing. DO NOT contact your University or school to get results early as they cannot release them to you. However, your UCAS Hub will update on results day and often you will receive notifications before you have collected your results!
Staff including myself will be on hand to answer questions, to commiserate or more often than not celebrate with you!
Clearing- do's and don'ts
Clearing is a process used by pupils who
- decided to apply late to University
- who haven't achieved grades needed for FIRM or INSURANCE choices
- have performed better than they expected and want to see where else they could go or what else they could study
- have totally changed their minds about courses to follow
Staff such as myself will be on hand to guide you through this process- you are NOT alone!
For more information on how clearing works here is the link to area on UCAS for clearing last academic year
Not going to University? Okay so what are you going to do in 5 months when you've left school?
Getting your first job can be scary but it also can be the one of the best feelings ever!
Securing a job takes effort, there a lot to do:
- looking for a vacancy
- to applying
- to attending an interview
A starting point on this route is creating your CV- help and support is available by checking out the employment area of the careers firefly section.
University is not the only destination post sixth form, although you'll be never be fully free from learning new skills...!
Apprenticeships exist at all levels and involve you being paid to train and study.
More information on these can be found on this page in the careers area.
You can register for Apprenticeship notifications from the government website
Apprenticeships can be advertised at anytime in the academic year so if this is a route for you you need to be on almost a constant look out for these!
Following businesses on Social Media and subscribing to vacancy pages on business websites is the best way of getting this information early!
Week beginning 8th Feb is National Apprenticeship week...find out more here
Gap year planning
Taking a year out or two or three whilst find inspiration for University studies or career areas to pursue can be beneficial for a whole raft of reasons.
Planning your gap year is crucial.... for help and support here is a starting point on Firefly.
There are lots of organisations to support your Gap year experience one such joined us last year to run a presentation
Other up coming events
Follow Warminster Careers- Pathways & Creative Curriculum on Instagram
Also regularly check the careers notice board on Firefly