Video links:

The links below should take you to the Zoom recordings of each session we have had so far. If the link is blue I have linked it to the recording

When you click on the link it might ask you for Zoom login details. The account is registered under my name. So you may need to put in Gillian Walmsley and the email address they use is

Then is should work!

Session 1: Cardio Vascular System

Session 2: Central Nervous System

Session 3: Gastro Intestinal System

Session 4: Musculo Skeletal System

Session 5: Respiratory system

Session 6: The Brain and the Peripheral Nervous System 

Session 7: The Genitourinary system

Session 8: The Endocrine system

Session 9: The Immune and Lymphatic System

Session 10: The Integumentary system

Session 11: The Hepatobillary System

Session 12: The Vascular System