The school's Canon printing system defaults all print jobs to Black and White Only, even when the document/image is colour. To enable colour printing, you simply need to change the option in the print driver to ‘Colour’ or ‘Automatic’ each time colour is required.

This is achieved through the windows print option from the respective application, where you can change the option to ‘Automatically.’

Examples below

Office Software

After selecting the print option, click on the ‘Printer Properties’ link (shown by yellow arrow) , which displays the Uniflow Printing Preferences dialog box.

Then, under “Colour Print”, select Automatically from the drop-down options and click OK

You can then click Print.

Google Chrome

To print in colour in Google Chrome, you need to activate the ‘Print’ option from the app you are printing from - an Office 365 app is File/Print, for example. Chrome's Print Dialog box will appear, shown below:

Press Ctrl + Shift + P key combination when you have this screen open. You will then get the following dialog box appear

Click on the preferences button (circled in yellow) you will then be presented with the option to change to Automatic colour