While at Warminster School, you will use Office 365 for email and other Microsoft tools; Firefly  (our virtual learning environment) and Microsoft Teams for video conferences.

1. Office 365 and email. Your tutor will supply you with  details to log in to your school account on Office 365 here.

2. Firefly. Firefly is our virtual learning environment, used for lessons, activities, reports, tutor and House information, etc - everything you will need to begin with. You can use the same Office 365 password to log into Firefly. Go to this link and click on the grey 'Office 365' button on the right-hand side, and enter the same email address and password that you have been allocated for Office 365. 

If this does not launch Firefly, you will need to activate your account first. At the same link, click on the green box at the bottom, then enter your new Warminster School email address when prompted. You will then be sent an activation email to your school email address.