Can I make an appointment to see the Headmaster, Deputies or any other staff?
The Headmaster, Deputy Heads, Heads of House, Housemasters/Housemistresses and any member of staff will be glad to meet parents at any time by appointment to discuss plans, progress or difficulties.
How do I correspond with the school?
Correspondence to the School about academic matters should be sent to the Tutor in the first instance. Heads of House will deal with more significant academic matters and on occasions the matter will be dealt with by the Deputy Head Academic (Mr Sully). To request leave on special occasions, an email should be sent to the Deputy Headmaster (Mr Jones). Correspondence about accounts should be sent to the Bursar. General correspondence from the School will be via email and the Parent Portal which is a group email method of communication. Could you therefore complete the online pupil database form to ensure that we have your current contact details.
How do I report absence? or request an absence?
Parents/Guardians of Day Pupils are requested to use the Absence Forms found on Firefly. The forms clearly indicate varying requests for absence - from general unplanned illness to pre-planned absences. It is requested that Absence due to Illness is submitted by 0900 on each day of the absence (unless otherwise prescribed by a medical professional). For all other absences, it is requested that the form be submitted at least two weeks prior to the requested absence. Access to these forms will be available once your son/daughter is officially on roll at the School.
For Boarding Pupils, the same forms apply as above. However, should you wish to request an early departure and/or late return, please email Huw Jones Deputy Headmaster (Pastoral & Head of Boarding), for permission (
For other absences, when permission is required in order to miss school for a medical appointment or bereavement, a letter/email should be sent to your child’s tutor/Head of House in advance. For all other absence requests, such as a family event, holiday, etc., permission from the Deputy Headmaster ( is required, a minimum of two weeks in advance
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ring the Attendance Administrator on 01985 210165
How do I withdraw my child from the school?
A term’s notice must be given to the Headmaster before a pupil is withdrawn from the School or a term’s fees in lieu will be due (please see the Terms and Conditions). This also applies to any student changing from a boarding place to a day place.
What stationery does my child need?
The School supplies all textbooks and stationery, but it is usual for children to have their own pens, pencils and geometrical instruments and a scientific calculator. It is essential for all pupils in the Senior School to have a secure named bag or case in which to keep their workbooks.