At Warminster School we run a very popular service which offers Instrumental Music Lessons to any pupil. We employ a carefully selected team of inspiring, professional musicians who visit the school each week. Lessons are subsidised by the School so pupils learning an instrument are expected to take part in at least one musical group (there is a very wide choice available in both schools). Not only does this aid their progress, it is also excellent fun. All GCSE and A level music pupils are required to learn at least one instrument.
Lessons happen during the school day on a rotational basis. Although pupils will come out of class, their instrumental lesson will be at a different time each week, thus minimising disruption. The rota stating lesson times is published at the start of each term, is issued to the pupils, and is displayed in various locations around both school sites. Pupils in the 6th form have lessons timetabled to fit in with their free periods.
During the year you will receive a Music Lesson Grade-Card in the Autumn term, we host an Instrumental Teachers Information Evening in the Spring term and a detailed written report is sent home in the summer. Each pupil has a Practice Diary issued by the school which forms their practice record, a reward system for Prep School pupils and a home-school link between the instrumental teacher and parents.
Fees & Instrument Hire
We have a stock of certain instruments which are available to hire through the school. The Fees for instrumental lessons are added to your termly school fees bill.
Getting to lessons
In the Prep School, pupils are collected from lessons up until Year 3. From then on they are expected to remember themselves. A watch with an alarm set each week is a tried and tested success to help with this. The teacher will find them if they forget. Parents are invited to contact the Head of Prep Music should they suspect a clash with a school trip is likely. In the Senior School, pupils are expected to arrive at lessons on time. Teachers will not come to find them as the site is too big, however, missed lessons (except in the case of teacher absence) will be charged for. Senior pupils are expected to check ahead and swap with someone else on the timetable should there be a clash. A watch with an alarm set each week is a tried and tested success to help with this.
Please contact should you have a query for the Senior School and should you have a Prep School query.
If you would like your child to receive lessons at school, please complete the online form as soon as possible so that timetables can be accurate for the start of term.
With Best Wishes,
Mr Jonnie Bridges, Director of Music and Mrs Stephanie Collishaw, Head of Prep Music
Please read the following terms and conditions very carefully:
Terms and Conditions of Instrumental Lessons
- One full terms notice in writing is required to terminate lessons.
- You will have instrumental fees added to your school bill at the end of each term.
- All instrumental lessons will last for 30 minutes.
- Lessons cannot be refunded if the pupil is absent. Forgotten lessons are charged for in full.
- As the School subsidises the cost of instrumental lessons, it is be expected that all pupils receiving school instrumental lessons will attend at least one lunchtime or after school musical group.
- All instruments must be clearly named, both on the case and on the instrument itself. The pupils are responsible for keeping their instrument in a safe place e.g The Music Department or a corner of their classroom that is agreed with their form tutor.
- All instruments must be insured. The School takes no responsibility for any instrument that is either lost or damaged whilst on school property. You may find instruments are covered on your home insurance.
- Senior Pupils are expected to take responsibility for their own timetable, and make any necessary swaps themselves should there be a clash with a match. Should this be impossible they should contact Mr Bridges.
- Prep Pupils or Parents are invited to contact the Head of Prep Music should they suspect a clash with a school trip is likely.