Dear Parent/Guardian
Information for Parents regarding the School Medical Centre
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome your child to the School. We have the advantage, unlike many mainstream schools, in that we have two full time Registered Nurses on site and two Healthcare Assistants. This helps to achieve a close working relationship with staff, pupils and parents.
School Medical Team - Are available 08.30-17.30hrs on weekdays. Senior Nurse Samantha Young lives on site and can be contacted for advice by staff at all times and will visit pupils as required out of hours.
Samantha Young (Senior School Nurse) - Main responsibility for the Senior School
Rachel Daines & Lottie Wright (Healthcare Assistants)
Tel: 01985 210139 email:
Trish Cambridge-King (School Nurse) - Main responsibility for the Prep School
Tel: 01985 224806 email:
School Medical Practice - Avenue Surgery, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 9AA
All boarders will be registered with the Avenue Surgery . Appointments can be made at the surgery at any time with any doctor if required. They also give guidance and support on any health-related issues.
Debbie Packer– Listening service Off the Record Confidential appointments with a trained listener. Friday from 12.00 – 15.00hrs in the Medical Centre.
James Hourigan - Listening service Off the Record Confidential appointments with a trained listener. Tuesday from 09.00 – 12.00hrs in the Medical Centre.
Helen Booth - School Counsellor Confidential appointments can be arranged by an initial contact with Sam Young on
Medical History Forms –
In order that we can provide the best care for your child, it is essential that we have a full and comprehensive medical history. To assist with this, please complete the Medical History Questionnaire as soon as possible, ensuring that you provide as much information as possible and uploading photographs if necessary
Boarding pupils –
Please ensure you enter your child’s UK NHS Medical number; this will enable the GP surgery to request your child’s medical records from their previous GP as soon as possible.
All new boarders, resident for more than one term, will be registered with the Avenue Surgery, this will enable them to receive full medical care whilst at school. If necessary, boarders will be offered a medical interview/examination with the school Nurses during their first term.
If your child is seen by a GP during the school holidays, he/she should register as a temporary resident. If your child receives medical treatment whilst at home, please inform the School Nursing Team so that your child’s medical records can be updated and any ongoing therapy maintained. There is a Medical & Pastoral update form in the medical section of Firefly.
If you prefer that your child remains registered with their current GP, please note that arrangement of appointments would remain a parental responsibility.
Confidentiality & Consent Form –
Parental consent enables us to provide routine care for your child and to act immediately in an emergency. We will always attempt to inform the parents/guardian at the earliest opportunity regarding any significant injury or emergency situation. Information provided in the form will be shared with the academic staff if the school Nurse feels that it is in the child’s best interests to do so. It is important that chronic medical conditions, allergies and any other health concerns that may be an issue for the child whilst in school, are shared with the academic staff so they can actively support the child and provide appropriate care as needed.
Boarding pupils’ forms are forwarded to the boarding house where they are kept for reference and in the event of an emergency, as the form provides essential medical information and parental consent that may be required by other medical professionals if emergency care is required outside of normal school hours. It is essential that we have parental consent for all boarders.
Parental consent is requested for all children and no treatment will be given to any child without it unless the school Nurse feels that they are capable of consenting themselves within the Fraser Guidelines. If over the age of 16 years of age they can legally provide their own consent.
The school Nurses are bound by their Professional Code of Conduct and must provide treatment and confidentiality accordingly. They will always encourage the children to share any medical concerns with their parents but their first duty of care is to maintain the confidentiality of their patient, unless they feel to do so is placing the child at risk.
If you do not wish to give consent, please give the reason why on the form and stating that this is your personal choice to withhold consent and is not an over site.
Immunisations –
All pupils must be vaccinated in accordance with the UK Immunisation schedule which is available on the following website
Please be aware that if your child is not immunised in accordance with the UK schedule they will be regarded as unimmunised against certain infections and therefore at risk of infection. If there is an outbreak of an infectious disease in the School your child will be sent to their guardians immediately in order to protect them from infection.
Health surveillance –
At any time during your child's school years the School Nurses and, if necessary, the School Doctor can see you and your child if:
- your child is worried
- you are worried
- your child's teacher is worried
All children should have
annual dental and vision checks with their own practitioners. However, during
your child’s school years, he/she may have their height, weight, vision and
hearing checked, if permission is given.
Medication –
Prescribed medication must be in the original packaging with the pupil’s name on and containing the patient information leaflet; Oversees pupils who are taking prescribed medication must supply by a letter from their Doctor which includes the child’s name and date of birth, the health problems for which the medication is required, the name, strength, dosage and route of administration.
All medication will be kept and administered to the individual child by the School Nurse/House Staff. Senior pupils may be allowed to retain and administer their own medication but only after discussion with the school Nurse.
The school can provide suitable medication for your child for common illnesses. If your child requires travel sickness medication you are asked to provide accordingly.
Parents must complete a medication consent form for any medication that comes in to school. This form can be found in the medical section of Firefly.
What about problems? –
If you would like to discuss any problems relating to your child's health with the School Nurse, please contact her to arrange an appointment.
Should your child develop a health problem during their attendance at the school please ensure that the School Nurse is informed, she will then be able to liaise with you, your child and the staff concerned to ensure that your child receives the best possible care and attention.
Thank you for your
assistance and please contact us if you have any concerns.
School Nursing Team