School rules are designed to reflect common-sense and common courtesy, to avoid inconvenience to others, to ensure safety and to foster a communal sense of pride.

Pupils should, at all times, behave in a responsible manner, showing courtesy, consideration and respect for other people and their property, and for the fabric and the environment of the school.

Kindness, empathy, and integrity are cherished values in the Warminster community. The principles below underpin how we think, interact and behave on a daily basis.

Kindness: Practice good manners always, show generosity, gratitude and compassion, notice and encourage others, and help to create a sense of belonging.

Empathy: Celebrate diversity and difference, be open-minded and listen, and provide others with support.

Integrity: Be honest, show humility, treat everyone with respect and set an example for others.

At all times, every pupil is be accepting of and respect beliefs, opinions and ways of life that differ from their own and respect diversity of race, religion and culture, age, disability, gender reassignment, sex, sexual orientation, and all characteristics protected within our British Values under the Equality Act 2010;

Pupils must attend registration, Assemblies, all lessons, and extra-curricular activities and honour sports commitments.

The following are expressly forbidden:

  • Discriminatory, racist or homophobic conduct (in person or online).
  • Smoking, or possessing tobacco products, including e-cigarettes.
  • Using or possessing firearms, knives, dangerous weapons, or explosive substances or fireworks.
  • Using or possessing inflammable items or those, which constitute a fire hazard (such as lighters, lighter fluid, joss sticks and candles).
  • Consuming alcoholic drink (except if of an appropriate age and on authorised occasions); purchasing or bringing it into the school.
  • To ride a motor cycle, or drive a car, or to keep one at school, except on occasions where special permission has been granted by The Director of Sixth Form; to be a passenger in a car driven by anyone other than a member of staff, a parent or guardian, or someone expressly authorised by them.
  • Gambling or betting; or purchasing property from other pupils without the agreement of the HM concerned.
  • Taking or distributing pictures of an inappropriate nature.
  • Leaving the School site without specific permission.
  • Taking someone else’s property, or borrowing it without permission.
  • any incident involving sexual intercourse or other acts of sexual intimacy;
  • or the use or possession of any illegal drug.

Parents should expect a pupil to be expelled for;

These rules apply to all pupils except when under the jurisdiction and care of their parents or guardians, or people expressly authorised by them. Even under such circumstances, The Head may feel that action needs to be taken, if the good discipline and reputation of the school are affected.