The Warminster School Parent’s Association (WSPA) is a friendly group of volunteer parents and staff, whose raise money to buy “extras” for the School, with the aim of enhancing the experience of the children and providing support to the School as a whole.

The WSPA raise funds through three main routes, a £10 termly family subscription, the WSPA Shop and WSPA events.

  • £10 termly family subscription

  • WSPA Shop

  • WSPA Events

Each family is automatically enrolled in the WSPA support scheme. You will find a contribution of £10 per term added to your school fees (one per family). This enrolment is purely voluntary and can be opted out of should you choose. It is this automatic enrolment which provides a good percentage of our fundraising and allows parents to contribute should they not be available to attend and/or participate in our events.

The WSPA Shop allows parents to purchase gently worn, pre-owned uniform and games kit, with the proceeds going to the WSPA. Parents can sell uniform on a 50/50 basis. The WSPA Shop is located behind Ivy boarding house on Church Street. The regular opening hours during term time are Wednesdays 3.30pm - 5.30pm and Fridays 12.00pm - 2.00pm. Summer holiday opening times are available via the school uniform pages

New school merchandise can also be purchased through the WSPA Shop, such as the senior girls crested games leggings, school ties and pin badges, crested hats (baseball, beanies and headbands) along with an assortment of school supporting items such as umbrellas, teddy bears, travel mugs and cufflinks.

The WSPA hosts an assortment of popular events throughout the year. These events are for both fundraising purposes and the social aspect of bringing the school community together.

WSPA events include the Fireworks Festival, Prep School Disco, Cinema Evenings, Christmas Market, Christmas and Summer Balls, Burns Night and a Quiz Night. The WSPA September Drinks Reception, hosted by the Headmaster, is a good way for both new and existing to meet and catch up.

WSPA Year Group Reps

Each year group across both the Prep and Senior school has a volunteer 'Parent Year Rep'. This rep organises a year group WhatsApp chat. The WhatsApp group chats have proven to be a valuable resource for parents, as a source of general information with conversations ranging from a search for misplaced kit, prep requirements, to social events and anything and everything in between. Parents can join the WhatsApp group at any stage. Contact details for the Year Reps will be provided by the School.

We look forward to seeing you at our events and would also like to invite you to join us on the Committee, as either a member trustee or a parent helper, be it full-time, part-time or whenever you have some free time. Please feel free to join us at our AGM in September or at any of our regular meetings throughout the year (third Wednesday evening of each half of term).

We look forward to welcoming you to Warminster!

Sarah Kennedy, WSPA Chair