The Sixth Form uniform is an extension of the lower school uniform but allows for certain privilege's only for the Lower and Upper sixth pupils

Please adhere to the guidelines below.

The final decision on any issues concerning what is or is not acceptable or appropriate rests with the Headmaster but is managed on a daily basis by tutors,  Heads of House and the Director of Sixth Form and Pathways.

Monday and Friday

  • Dark coloured suit (matching jacket and trousers), a skirt must also match the suit jacket .
  • Skirts should be below, on or just above the knee.  Splits in skirts should be discrete. Tights worn with the skirt should be plain NOT patterned.
  • Skirt and trouser material should not be lycra or of any stretchy fabric.
  • A collared shirt with a tie must be worn and should be white or pastel coloured, subtle stripes or checks are permitted.
  • V-necked jumpers, tank tops and cardigans may also be worn under your suit jacket.
  • Flat shoes or flat ankle boots or those with a small heel should be formal and smart black or brown leather or suede.   Canvas shoes or casual style trainers are NOT permitted.
  • Accessories such as hats and sunglasses cannot be worn during the school day unless during summer sports.
  • Pupils can wear a watch, one necklace, two bracelets, and two rings – staff have the right to ask for these to be removed when appropriate.
  • Two small stud or hooped earrings are allowed to be worn in your ear. 
  • No other visible piercings are permitted
  • If make up is worn, it must be discrete and minimal.
  • Hair must be a natural colour, tidy and worn off the face if shoulder length or longer (staff reserve the right to ask for longer hair to be tied back when appropriate). Extreme haircuts are not allowed. Hair must be brushed and tidy.
  • Pupils should be clean-shaven at all times.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

  • Trousers, skirts and dresses don’t have to match the jacket but must maintain a similarly smart appearance.
  • Other than this all aspects of the uniform remain as described in our Monday and Friday list

Additional Information

An outfit suitable for a formal evening function is recommended.

Sixth Form pupils are permitted to wear any of the School Blazer options or a coat/jacket that is;

Smart (maybe waterproof)
Dark in colour - plain black, navy, or dark grey is acceptable
Free of obvious logos and designs
Long enough to cover the bottom of their blazer

Puffer coats other than those from school blazer are not permitted