Activity 1

Political Ideologies

Watch this short clip on the Political Spectrum:

Task: Create your own version of the Political Spectrum (see image below)

(a) Research the main ideologies on the spectrum above and provide an explanation of each - add these explanations to your diagram.

(b) Research the following ideologies and add them to your political spectrum diagram, along with explanations:

  • Feminism
  • Anarchism
  • Nationalism
  • Ecologism
  • Multiculturism

(c) Where do you fit on your political spectrum? Take the Political Compass test (link below) and add yourself to your diagram when you have finished!

Activity 2

British Politics: Parliament

Start by clicking on the link below to carry out a virtual tour of Parliament:

The House of Commons

Watch the video and read the booklet below:

Task: Answer the following questions:

  • Explain how the House of Commons works.
  • Draw a diagram to explain the workings of the House of Commons.
  • Research:  Who is your local MP? Which party do they represent? How long have they been an MP? What are their areas of expertise?

The House of Lords

Watch the video and follow the link below to uncover information about the House of Lords:

Task: Answer the following questions:

  • Explain what the House of Lords does.
  • Explain who is in the House of Lords.
  • What reforms have been made to the House of Lords within the last 20 years?
  •  Do you think these have made the House of Lords better for democracy?

Activity 3

US Politics: Republicans and Democrats

It is a really good idea to learn about the two major political parties in US politics, the Republicans and Democrats. It is tempting to think that the differences between these parties are obvious but it is not always clear cut…

Use the following links to research the history and policies of the Republicans and Democrats:

Task: Using the information from the links above, and any other sources you wish to use, create TWO posters – one for the Republican Party and one for the Democrat Party.

In your posters, you should include the following information:
  • History and origins of the party
  • Key principles / core ideas
  • State dominance (which states they tend to succeed in)
  • Periods in office
  • Notable presidents

You can populate your posters with a variety of images, key words, quotes and text boxes.

Activity 4

British Politics: The Offices of State

The Prime Minister and Cabinet ministers direct the running of our country, but just who are they?

Start by watching this documentary, The Secret World of Whitehall (this is Part 1 of 3, do watch the others if you wish):

Task: Using the link below, answer the following questions about the Cabinet:

  • Identify the key members of the current Cabinet.
  • Research the history of the MPs who hold these positions.
  • What are their backgrounds and areas of expertise?

Task: Using the link below, find out more about government departments and then answer the questions:

  • Research ONE of these government departments.
  • Who is in charge?
  • Who works there?
  • What is the job of your chosen department?
  • Prepare a Powerpoint presentation on your chosen department.

Activity 5

US Politics: In focus – Joe Biden

Joe Biden won the 2020 US Election with 306 electoral college votes under great scrutiny from his opponent President Trump.  What do you know about the 46th US President? 

Task: Create a project / portfolio on President Biden! You will need to cover the following areas:

  • Family background
  • Education
  • Previous employment
  • The 2020 Presidential Campaign
  • His first 100 days in office
  • Achievements of his presidency so far
  • Criticisms of his presidency so far

You should use a range of sources to carry out your research. Some suggestions include:

US sources: CBS, ABC, and NBC; the cable news channels CNN, and Fox; the print outlets The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal; political magazine, Politico.

Activity 6

British Politics: Voting and Elections

This week you you start by reading the information contained in the following links:

Task: Carry out the following questions / activities below:

  • Research the latest General Election. What was the outcome?
  • Find copies of the manifestos of each of the main parties. What were the key promises which were made?
  • Research the history of the European Parliament.
  • How are elections to the European Parliament different from elections to the UK Westminster Parliament?