This is the worksheet from last week. If you did not finish all the tasks on here, please open up the spreadsheet you were working on last lesson and continue to work your way through the worksheet. When you have finished, please scroll down to find Activity 1. 


Activity 1

Please complete all the questions on the attached word document 'Activity 1'. You may type your answers onto the word document directly or print it out and handwrite your answers. You may need to open up a spreadsheet to play around with and to help you work out the answers to the questions. 

Extension Activity - only if you have time! 

In preparation for next lesson, where we will be looking at merchandise for TNBT (The Next Big Thing). Merchandise are products for sale that are branded with a businesses logo. If you have ever been to a concert or the theatre, you might have noticed that you can buy CDs, t-shirts and other products that have images from the band / musician or play /musical that you have just seen. I would like you to think of 3 different kinds of products that you could merchandise for TNBT and research how much they might sell for.  Once you have decided on your products, you can complete the Word document 'Activity 2' below. 

Last updated on 27/01/2021

Last updated by

Charlotte Miller