When you first log into a school computer where you have not logged onto before, have not logged onto for a long time or the computer has been reimaged by IT.  You will get the following screen appear.

Please check that the logged in user is “Your name” and then Click “Continue with Warminster School” (Grey Button)

Do Not click on "Login with uniFLOW Online Account" as this will not work.

You will then get another screen saying that it will open an external browser session. This should open the default browser and automatically sign in with your school Office 365 account. You may be prompted for your MFA (multi factor authentication) on your phone during this process. This process may take a little time to go through. One completed you should get the following screen

You can now close this window. On the screen behind this you should see a blue "Start Button" please press this button.

If this process fails, please contact IT Support

Uniflow Online Copier Printer Pin

You should have been emailed a Pin number to access the school copiers. Please check your mailbox for an email with the subject of “uniFLOW Online: uniFLOW Online PIN” You can Also check this in your Uniflow online Dashboard by going to https://warminster-school.uk.uniflowonline.com/#Dashboard as shown below

Uniflow Online Dashboard

The Uniflow Online Dashboard found here https://warminster-school.uk.uniflowonline.com/#Dashboard gives you the ability to check your printing history, see and delete any print jobs you have already sent, check your Pin number and many more things. On the Dashboard in the top right, you can click on the help? (As shown highlighted in yellow on screenshot below).

This will give you the most up-to-date help with the use of the dashboard.

As the Dashboard is online you can check this form anywhere you have Internet access.

Printing From a School Computer 

When you go to print from a school computer you will need to make sure you pick the correct printer "Uniflow Online Secure Print" as shown on the example image from the Word Print Dialog  below, if it not already the default printer.

Scanning to OneDrive and Teams

On the copiers you can now only scan to your OneDrive or Teams (The teams and channels you are a member of). You will see the option to scan to both on the copier interface one for Documents that creates a PDF version of the scan and an Image option tat creates a TIFF version of the scan.  

The first time you scan to either one you will be sent an email to your school email address to allow it scan to that destination. The sender address is  noreply@warminster-school.uk.uniflowonline.com

Once you receive the email, please copy and paste the link or use the same one below:


Once you allow the sign-in to your Uniflow account, you will receive the following message to confirm the successful link between Uniflow and your Office 365 account. 

You will only need to do this once for for the scan to Teams' option.

When you scan to OneDrive  it will place the file into the Scans folder within the  Documents folder in your OneDrive.

Printing Directly from OneDrive and Teams on a Copier

You can also print your OneDrive and Teams files directly on the copiers. 

To do this you log onto a copier and g into the Secure print option  Then Click on the + button as shown below 

When you have done this it will show an option to select OneDrive for Business  and Microsoft Teams. If you click on which source you need and then you will get a folder structure of your OneDrive or a list of Teams you are a member of. You can then navigate to the file or files that you need to print and select the file.  You can then add this file to the print Queue if you which you can then select another file or files to add to the queue.  One you have added the files click the blue "Done" button 

You will then get a list of the jobs you have added to the Queue and you can change the print options (B/W, Colour Duplex etc.) for each one by selecting the job and click the "Edit" button 

Then just click the Blue Print jobs button.  It will render the files (this may take a short time) and then print your file or files.