We are very proud and excited to have our very own Health and Wellbeing Hub . The Hub is housed in what was the Old Vicarage boarding house, which is located between the Senior and Prep sites of School. The space combines a large medical centre, rooms for the school counsellor and listeners service, sensory room, resting rooms, chill out room, meeting room, reading room and quiet spaces for pupils to use to work or have online counselling. With mental health, anxiety, and stress issues at an all-time high for young people, the Hub is a significant step to providing a dedicated space where we will continue to put our pupils first and provide specific help and support, as and when they require it.
The Hub houses our Medical Centre, run by Mrs Samantha Young (Senior School Nurse). The medical team also includes Mrs Trish Cambridge-King (Prep School Nurse), and our two Health Care Assistants – HCAs – Mrs Rachel Daines and Mrs Lottie Wright. The Chaplin Reverend David Prescott, has an office within the Hub and along with Mrs Sarah Shanks (Assistant Head Wellbeing and Safeguarding ), we all work closely to provide the best support possible for our pupils.
School Medical Centre information
We are lucky to have independent listeners, Debbie and James from Off the Record who visit the Hub twice a week. Our School Counsellor, Mrs Helen Booth, offers confidential counselling in a dedicated, quiet area in the Hub for these sessions.
The Hub also supports the Pupil Mentoring Program and safe spaces for these meetings to take place are available.
There are smaller quieter spaces in the Hub for pupils to use to take some time if they need space to relax and have headspace. The sensory room has relaxing lights, bubble lamps, beanbags and weighted blankets so offering a quiet, calming space. There is a bright airy chillout room to work, read a book, play a game, carry out activities to support mindfulness or just have some time out before going back into school.
There is a large room used for pastoral meetings, as well as for training, workshops and groups to come together. The Hub have a regular Lego club and LGBTQ+ group.
Having the Hub is a wonderful opportunity for all of the pupils, staff and parents of the school and a testament to our commitment to our School community’s mental health, physical health and wellbeing.