Warminster School’s expectations require the highest standards of courtesy, integrity, good manners, good discipline and respect for the needs of others. We expect, and parents accept, that each pupil will take a full part in the activities of the School, will attend each school day, will be punctual, will work hard, will be well behaved and will comply with the school rules about the wearing of uniform and appearance. Good behaviour is promoted at Warminster in several ways. There is a strong pastoral ethos at the School which encourages positive moral and social attitudes. Church, Assembly and Life Skills events all focus on values (especially kindness, generosity, tolerance, citizenship and social responsibility). The School believes that good discipline is best promoted by purposeful learning.
Staff will try to encourage and praise pupils whenever possible and appropriate. It is hoped that a strong focus on creating a culture of praise and reward will result in further motivation for improvement and will help to maintain the high level of discipline within the School.
Parents and pupils have an opportunity on request to see the current School Rules before they accept the offer of a place. When parents accept the place for their son or daughter, they confirm that they accept the authority of the Headmaster and of other members of staff on the Headmaster's behalf to take all reasonable disciplinary or preventative action necessary to safeguard and promote the welfare of each pupil and the School community as a whole.
Rewarding pupils for positive achievements is considered to be extremely important in developing a positive ethos within the School. The School very much believes in the importance of a culture of praise. Staff are encouraged at all times to offer pupils positive feedback on their efforts and achievements and to share positive information about the success of pupils in any aspect of school life. Likewise, tutors are encouraged to let parents know when their child has done something worthy of praise.
REWARDS include:
- Engagement Grades allocated to pupils for all subjects in their curriculum and recorded on grade cards and in reports. All Reports and Grade Cards are recorded on the iSAMS system.
- Prizes awarded for academic success and extra-curricular achievements on Speech Day.
- Recognition of personal qualities by staff and peer group through the appointment or election of School and House Prefects, School Council Representatives as well as Year Group Captains responsible for organising teams for House competitions.
- Letters of appreciation and congratulation sent by the Headmaster to pupils for outstanding work and service to the School.
- Merits and Commendations, which are recorded on iSAMS. All positive iSAMS records are made available to parents through the Parent Portal. Pupils are encouraged to take outstanding pieces of work to the Headmaster or the Headmaster is invited to the department to see pupils’ work.
- Displaying good work around the School.
- Results of sports fixtures, music exams, drama and public speaking/debating successes are celebrated in School assemblies and by Heads of House in house/year group assemblies.
While it is important to treat all pupils equally, it is accepted that staff must take additional care when administering sanctions to pupils who have Special Educational Needs, particularly if they have organisational difficulties, are receiving some form of academic support or are in transition. The School will sometimes moderate the sanction system in order to support a pupil if they have known difficulties. Consideration will also be given to any pastoral matters that may have an impact on a pupil’s behaviour in class or around School, or on the quality of their work. Where there are, for example, problems at home, there is room for flexibility in the sanction system at the discretion of the respective Head of House or Deputy Head.
Concerns are recorded and circulated through iSAMS to keep tutors, Heads of House House and HMs informed. Concerns are registered through iSAMS, but must be communicated verbally to the pupil first.
Concerns are to be issued to pupils for the following reasons:
- Poor behaviour
- Repeated lateness
- Poor engagement
- Poor attainment or standard or work
- Lack of homework
- Lack of equipment/books
There are four categories of detention:
1. Lunchtime Detention
These are issued, following appropriate warnings to pupils, only a HoH can authorise this sanction. There should be evidence of dialogue between teacher, HoD/HoH and tutor before this sanction is applied.
2. Senior School Detention
SSD Detentions may only be awarded by Heads of House or staff members of SMT. The detention takes place as required on Friday evenings for one hour, starting at 5.00pm. Pupils will be required to undertake reflective writing as directed by their Head of House or the Deputy Head.
3. Deputy Head’s Detention
These are awarded by the Deputy Head or Deputy Head (Academic) for serious breaches of school discipline (Misconduct deemed to be too serious for an SS Detention but not meriting a fixed term exclusion). A Deputy Head’s Detention lasts for two hours and takes place on Saturday mornings as required. Pupils will be required to undertake reflective writing as directed by the Deputy Head or Deputy Head (Academic).
4. Fixed term exclusion
These are awarded by the Headmaster, for very serious breaches of School discipline. They may also be awarded for repetition of an offence that initially merited a Deputy Head’s Detention. During such an exclusion, pupils will not be allowed to attend lessons, the House, or activities and will not be able to represent the School competitively.